We are excited to introduce the Limassol AGORA Loyalty Card program, designed to offer our valued clients exclusive benefits and savings—all for free! This card is your gateway to exploring everything Limassol AGORA has to offer, with fantastic discounts at various restaurants, cafes, and bars in our vibrant space.

Enjoy Discounts Across Limassol AGORA
With your Loyalty Card, you’ll receive exclusive discounts at a range of popular spots:
10% Off at HAO, Tylixto, Natomaki, Mint to Be, Pro Hot Dog, Asma, Pelmentor, Seafood Shack, Curry Club, and Maximies Fries.
20% Off at BeerGuru, La Croissanterie, AZUL by Kesh, and Simple Pleasures.

How to Get Your Free Loyalty Card
Obtaining your Loyalty Card is quick, easy, and completely free! You can apply either online or in person at our offices within Limassol AGORA.
Online Application: Simply fill out the contact form on our website with the message, “I would like to get the Loyalty Card!” Once registered, your card will be ready for collection from our offices, so you can start enjoying the perks right away.
In-Person Application: Visit our offices at Limassol AGORA any day from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00, fill out a quick form, and receive your Loyalty Card on the spot!
If you need help finding our offices, just give us a call at 700 700 70 when you arrive, and we’ll guide you to our location within Limassol AGORA.
Experience More at Limassol AGORA
Whether you're stopping by for a quick bite, a family outing, or a fun day with friends, the Limassol AGORA Loyalty Card adds extra value to your visit. Don’t miss out on these exclusive perks and discounts—get your card today and start exploring the unique flavors and experiences of Limassol AGORA!
For More Information
For questions or additional information, feel free to contact us by phone 70070070 or via email. We look forward to welcoming you to the Limassol AGORA Loyalty Card program!